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Iron Solomon defeats Immortal Technique

Recap: Classic overtime battle between Iron Solomon and Immortal Technique that happened on the spot after Technique demanded to face the winner (Solomon) of the EOW tournament they both just participated in that day, but with Immortal feeling that he got robbed. Right off the bat, however, you knew this one was a wrap, what with the normally lyrically adept Technique struggling to maintain his flow in the OT round, that is when he wasn’t kicking a bunch of pedestrian raps in both English and Spanish. And even tho he was taking on a battle rap legend, Solomon wasn’t phased one bit. The bespectacled rapper going right at his opponent’s head with fiery diss after diss to get the crowd lit and more importantly earn the win.

Verdict: Iron Solomon (W) 1-0

Favorite line: Iron Solomon – “C’mon Technique, everything you say corny, only time you get 5 mics is in a gay orgy!”