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T Top defeats Juice

Recap: I don’t what’s worse, watching this one-sided battle or Chinese water torture. Yeah, it’s that bad as Juice’s consistently lame (from that horrible ‘milk this cow’ spiel to that terrible ‘I’ll come to your head quarters like George Washington to bring you pain’ line) bars, underwhelming delivery and annoying hypeman seemed to even make the steadily on point (“Your battles getting views my nigga, I’ll give you that, but now your career getting cut shorter than Midget Mac”) T Top have a hard time getting through this battle. Granted, Juice scored just enough points to prevent a bodybag, but the simple fact that he didn’t even know what position Terrell Owens plays (he was only a Pro Bowl wide receiver and NOT a tight end) should be reason enough to never have to watch him battle rap again.

Verdict: T Top (W) 3-0

Favorite line: T Top – “Listen bitch, all that staring could get your vision split, 20/20, that’s a big .40, now spit and whip”

Cali Smoov defeats Juice

Recap: A spitfire beverage scheme in the 2nd round by Cali Smoov is the highlight of this 3-round AHAT battle. But overall, against the mostly subpar raps of Juice, Smoov really didn’t need much more than the aggressive heaters and the earnest, but daunting punchlines that he rolled up with to make his brief hiatus from battle rap a successful one.

Verdict: Cali Smoov (W) 3-0

Favorite line: Cali Smoov – “All my heaters like shell-toe Adidas…a shell in the front!”