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Nunn Nunn defeats Ray Stizzy

Recap: Nunn Ninn uses hard-hitting punches, ferocious name flips/set-ups and some jaunty wordplay to take this one-rounder with relative ease over a loud and aggressive, but for the most part basic, Ray Stizzy.

Verdict: Nunn Nunn (W) 1-0

Favorite line: Nunn Nunn – “I seen ya footage bitch, you definitely trash…Joey verse Mook, couldn’t beat this Murda [murder] if that’s the best ya had [Jihad]!”

Dre Dennis defeats Ray Stizzy

Recap: Thank goodness for Dre Dennis, as his ability to dish way more consistent punches and righteous (“If we went to school together, I would’ve took your lunch money, and stuffed him in a trash can like ‘You know I’m fat bitch, don’t run from me!”) bully bars, gives him the fortitude to survive an elongated round of mostly filler and standard bars from an aggressive Ray Stizzy. What with host Uno Lavos dick-riding even Stizzy’s most routine bars, that kind of gassing still didn’t take away from an easy win for Dennis.

Verdict: Dre Dennis (W) 1-0

Favorite line: Dre Dennis – “Every time I see him I’ll give him a buck like little dude across the street!”