Over 4,000 Recaps!

Geechi Gotti (Compton, CA)

Total Solo Battles: 90

ATG Record: 73-12-5

Last 10 Battles: 9-0-1

Career Notes/Highlights:

  1. Started out on L.A.’s The Riot League
  2. Member of EFB
  3. While well-known for his real street talk, aggression, gang shit, disrespectful bars, slick humor and an ability to punch that’s often underrated
  4. Slogan’s: “Nigga, you’s a bitch!” & “When it’s real, you can tell, you can see it in they eyes, go ‘head, see if you can make nigga’s believe those lies!”
  5. P.G. battle vs. Teewhy is in URL’s vault
  6. Has teamed up with B. Dot and Rum Nitty for two-on-tow’s
  7. Classic rounds: 2nd vs. Calicoe, 1st round vs. Tay Roc, 2nd vs. NXT, 3rd vs. Glueazy, 3rd vs. Ave, 1st vs. Mike P
  8. 3x COTY