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Calicoe defeats Arsonal da Rebel

Recap: Thanks to Uncle Trick Trick introducing himself to the world outside of Detroit, so much has already been said about this battle that we’ll just keep it short and judge it on who rapped better. So while Arsonal had some good (“You X-Factor and Miles…you dirty motherfuckers!”) jokes, was aggressive throughout, came with hard (“Your punk ass daddy only did one crime, one time, now he only get an hour worth of sunshine”) bars along with plenty of personals and altogether put on a dope performance, too much filler and average bars, especially in rounds 1 and 3 (the alphabet scheme was nice, but it wasn’t unique or that much better than all the other dudes have given us their versions of Papoose’s bestowla to the world), hurt him. For Calicoe, along with a more cohesive and consistent show, he really impressed mocking Arsonal’s style of rap, dispensing dope (“I mean I heard of MTV Jams, shit I even heard of MTV 2, but your shit cam eout on MTV U, I mean I’m not even sure that’s something MTV do”) rebuttals along with exquisite (“They think I’m good [Goodz] but I don’t throw bottles, I’m jumping in this crowd like I play for the Packers”) punchlines, personals, gritty street bars and fleeting wordplay. Good, entertaining and close battle, but I got Calicoe edging rounds 1 and 3 to take it in the end.

Verdict: Calicoe (W) 2-1

Favorite line: Calicoe – “This is what Wale would look like if Rick Ross ain’t gave him another chance”