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Tez defeats Sno

Recap: When it comes to one-round, unlimited battles there’s two extremes to remember: Charlie Clips vs X-Factor where Clips showed that taking advantage of going unlimited can work in your favor if you’re consistently nice throughout your round. And then there’s Johnie Alcatraz versus Qleen Paper, where Qleen showed that even with unlimited time you can choose to pack so many punches within a short time frame and still win a battle, no matter how long your opponent went. In this battle pitting Sno against Tez, Tez goes the Clips route, taking up more then half the battle and delivering a roundhouse of fierce personals, nice punchlines, nice flips, (“I don’t know what I’m messing with, I mean he talk white, he rep Latino, fuck is this nigga, Cauexican?”) jokes and aggressive bars. In the meantime while Sno had a few (the “….back to token, ain’t that changing the game?” line was mean) moments, besides the usual aggressiveness from the outset the bar game just wasn’t there, much less the typical schemes, delivery, personals and execution that you’re used to seeing from Mr. LaRocksta, all told making for a standout win for Tez to add to his resume.

Verdict: Tez (W) 1-0

Favorite line: Tez – ” [Short pause] I ain’t forget my bars, I’m next to Sno [snow] I can’t imagine a better time then now to chill my nigga”