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Rum Nitty defeats Billy Boondocks

Recap: When a battle rapper spouts a ‘thank you for having me’ speech before he begins his 1st round, dishes an entire round of nursery school lines that each end in his opponent’s last name, drops microphone on the floor in a lame attempt at machismo and spits horrible bars like “You gonna get stuck, chewed the fuck up, left under these boots like gum Nitty!” with the sheer intensity (I’m guess that he thought that “Dope!” when he first wrote it tho) of a dude who clearly thinks he’s nice, not only do you know that you’re in for a long night, but one can only hope the crowd doesn’t throw stuff at him while they boo him off the stage. Yeah, this was that bad, to the point that you got the feeling that even Rum Nitty felt kind of sorry for the guy. Speaking, thankfully for the crowd in attendance and anyone who dares to watch this mismatch, he did his thing with consistently fire gun bars, steely punches and fiery wordplay that allowed for a battle where the fast forward button will certainly be needed.

Verdict: Rum Nitty (W) 2-0 (couldn’t hear Nitty’s 2nd round due to bad audio)

Favorite line: Rum Nitty -“If a nigga get to fighting, I don’t lift no fist, you’ll see me squeezing in a brawl…that’s O’fficial’s tits!”