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Hazey defeats E Ness

Recap: Highly entertaining battle between E Ness and Hazey Williams is pretty even-handed through the first two rounds as Ness engages in enough rich metaphorical dalliances, nice (“Hazey can’t fool me, boy I know your kind, body parts everywhere, now you’ve been photobombed!”) punchlines and some old-school dance moves  to keep up with Hazey’s fiery performance (“I’ll hold a square up with the trey like a cheese plate, you gonna get a couple quick, that’s how you speed date!”) bars and salient personals. 3rd round serves as the difference-maker and Hazey takes it with a steady diet of trendy (“For mentioning with Haze niggas could could hang from trees they swang from…niggas could hang? that’s a cool way to say goodbye…Stay Up!!”) wordplay that topped an still eccentric, but on the bar tally, subpar round from Ness.

Verdict: Hazey (W) 2-1

Favorite line: Hazey – “Don’t start with me, cuz I’ll put a nickle in ya mouth nigga…talk is cheap!”