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Real Deal defeats 100 Bulletz

Recap: If hardbody personals are your thing then this sizzling 3-round bout between Real Deal and 100 Bulletz will more than fit your palette. To think, this isn’t even about 2 guys with a history of disliking each other as much as it’s about a couple of veteran battle rappers simply doing their research. And whether it’s Real Deal going after his opponent’s lack of a Top Tier status in the game or Bulletz going straight for the guts with allegations on Real Deal exploiting his family members deaths during rap battles, when it came to anything goes in battle rap, both competitors came with it. That said, a debatable 2nd and 3rd round makes for a deciding 1st round, which Real Deal dishing an elongated, but still potent and a bit more versatile turn that ultimately got him the win.

Verdict: Real Deal (W) 2-1

Favorite line: Real Deal – “I violate her with my spawn when I finish on her face, I got her eyeliner looking like a widow’s at a wake!”