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Chilla Jones defeats Thesaurus

Recap: In this 3-rounder from Boston’s 413 Battle League, Thesaurus puts up a pretty dope fight, punching with the kind of crazy efficiency over the course of 3 rounds to remind you why he’s one of the most respected vets in the game. But with the battle split going into the final round and after withstanding another fiery turn from his opponent, the already scheme-heavy Chilla gets extra versatile and busy in the 3rd, dishing a rich palette of scorching lyricism, well-finessed wordplay and spicy punchlines/personals to edge the round and gain the win in what was a fierce and competitive battle all the way through.

Verdict: Chilla Jones (W) 2-1

Favorite line: Chilla Jones – “You getting screwed by this L, minus the Allen wrench!”