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Tay Roc defeats Rum Nitty

Recap: To quote Tay Roc: ‘You fucked up a classic’. But then that might’ve given Rum Nitty a little too much credit, because even without the silly antics (i.e. pocket checks and igniting a couple of scuffles) and the horrible decision to start his 3rd round with a lame tranny angle, take a away a few dry spots here and there and a more condensed (“If this jam, head go over the fishing tank, you get pushed in, I’m a hold you down till you die…I’m a good friend!”) Rum in the 2nd round, Roc’s multifaceted arsenal, mixed with exquisite wordplay, steely (“Roofless hit, something to air you, I’ll have Nitty staring down at a shotgun…that’s how you have Rum in a barrel! “) combo’s, witty jokes, crazy name flips, potent set-ups and rich performance bars, probably would’ve taken Nitty out even on the latter’s best day. Indeed, with much credit to (“The fan’s telling me, use more personals, put the gum lines up, add some angles, I’m thinking if  he get personal, you’ll see the gun line up [points up hands like gun]…at an angle, is that an angle?!”; “I’ll shove a gun down your throat, then tell you ‘run it back!'”)  , Nitty for sticking with the ‘Who’s The Gun Line King?’ theme that made this battle highly anticipated and delivering a very solid performance overall, the feeling here is that Roc was not only more versatile, but had a couple of more (“I’m Bruce LeRoi, tell ya nigga’s I’m with the action, Sho nuff, when it glow, you’ll be the Last nigga dragging [Dragon]!”) haymakers than his opponent in what was essentially the deciding 1st round. And what with Roc overmatching Nitty with much more fiery (“You won’t accomplish as much in the game as I did, I’m good with gas, but don’t really need it…I’m the hybrid!”) bars in the aforementioned 3rd round, the feeling here is Roc taking this one with little room for debate.

Verdict: Tay Roc (W) 2-1

Favorite line: Tay Roc – “Nitty, you died on Ave, you like Harold at the light!”