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Cortez defeats Ish Mula

Recap: Choosing to run with like 80% punches allows Ish Mula to put together a very solid (“Bar for bar, you ain’t even in my class G, actually when I calculated these punches…I’d be better off with Math B!”) performance against the veteran Cortez. However, when Mula alludes to Spanish battle rappers not liking Cortez, you can’t help but wonder why he didn’t address that particular rumor more in his raps. Because if that’s the case, why is it that when given the chance to face Cor one-on-one, most Spanish battle rappers have failed…miserably. And considering too thut with a way more versatile and (“Two battles in one day, nigger I’m that hungry, I offed Run and Will hit a brick wall like Crash Dummies!”) haymaker-heavy Cortez takes this one here, he can’t help but give notice to all Spanish battle rappers again, that he’s the best one out there.

Verdict: Cortez (W) 1-0

Favorite line: Cortez – “Lord forgive me, that chrome dumping, I’m dome hunting, it’s an everyday struggle waking up to Cyn [sin] like Joe Buddens!”