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Hollow da Don defeats Dizaster

Recap: Doesn’t matter how much gwap they got, two legends you’ve never battled before, like Hollow da Don and Dizaster, shouldn’t be doing one-round promo battles. And then to make matters worse, after he goes first with a sterling and uninterrupted 5-minute round, Hollow starts openly gesturing and complaining about Dizaster going past past his allotted time limit. But if you’re confident enough in your bars (esp. after hearing most of your opponent’s already), why spoil a good matchup by whining and even leaving the stage because your ego can’t handle the possibility of Dizaster upstaging you with a longer round? Granted, KOTD could’ve done a better job with keeping track of the time. But Hollow’s been in this game too long to be putting his ego before the fans. All that said, when it comes to the battle, killer lines (and dope rebuttals) aplenty by both dudes certainly enlightened the crowd and did enough to warrant a 3-round battle in the near future. But da Don’s over-the-top versatility and Diz’s penchant for filler (esp. at the start of his turn) ends up giving Hollow the win…despite his antics at the end.

Verdict: Hollow da Don (W) 1-0

Favorite line: Hollow da Don – “Sike I lied, nigga I got bars, I’m mad charming, make him feel at home with a desert [dessert] that’ll sand storm him!”