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Young X defeats Moon

Recap: Enthralling battle between Young X and Moon sees X run the gamut on trap talk, fiery (“Fuck outta here, you living in teh past my bro, don’t nobody help the old people with they bags no more!”) wit, lofty (“Now he punch drunk, look like he been drinking moonshine, call me lunar eclipse, way I come up and fuck up Moon shine!”) performance bars and frenzied name flips to take rounds 1 and 3 for the win over an opponent who while dropping a load of old-school (“They be like ‘O.G., how should I play the cards [opens hands up] that life dealt me?’, I say, first of all little nigga, stop showing them your whole hand!”) gems, dope schemes and steely (“They don’t know I’m about to be the game changer, Smack went and got the old gun out the stash, tired of putting bodies on the same banga!”) O.G. talk throughout the battle, couldn’t keep up with X’s explosive first (despite a fire turn himself) and thanks in part to a slow start and a little too much filler, got beat back in the deciding 3rd.

Verdict: Young X (W) 2-1

Favorite line: Young X – “And don’t be coming with that 60s shit, we don’t understand the lingo dog, see you gonna make me catch your old ass coming out the bingo hall!”