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Dre Dennis and Bill Collector [DEBATABLE]

Recap: Dope altogether and super entertaining Verbal War Zone between Bill Collector and Dre Dennis really has no winner as after splitting the first two rounds, BC’s now classic, original, personal and wild (“Put the salads and the soups aside/Supersize on the Supersize!”) funny 3rd (‘We Loved You Better As A Fat Nigger’) round still doesn’t beat what was a pretty gritty, punch-heavy and hard turn from Dre Dennis. And while overall it’s BC who rode the beats better, bar-wise the edge goes to Dre Dennis, again making this battle only a close match with huge replay value, but a debatable one too.

Verdict: TIE

Favorite line: Dre Dennis – “Aim at him while he with his homies laughing, D. Rose, straight-face, make a shot with no reaction!”