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Recap: Tough to call and as he mentioned in the battle, JC will definitely differ with this being a ‘debatable’, but with all categories considered and we’re done picking apart a superb punch-fest here with Ave, the verdict here is a draw. Which makes sense when you take in the long noted similar styles between the battlers, an elongated Ave getting turned up with the punches, (“If dance is rather what you’d be on, than young fella keep doing it, or fuck with the music…70’s porn!”) crazy set-ups/wordplay, aggressive urban street talk and braggadocio lines, but not-always-quite-so with the personals. While a more condensed JC, not always able to keep up with his opponent’s more finessed (esp. versus Ave’s fire 2nd round) repartee, still dished enough stifling heat, witty personals, fire name flips and potent schemes/punchlines to drop enough haymakers and edge round 3 after losing the 2nd and a debatable first.

Verdict: TIE

Favorite line: JC – “I grab this, they wont remember his name, he’ll be past tense, he will literally go from Ave to Memory Lane”