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Nu Jerzey Twork defeats Zay Smoove

Recap: The video of this GOTG 1-rounder between Nu Jerzey Twork and Zay Smoove seems to cut Smoove’s round short, but since it says ‘Full Battle’ in the title we’ll count it as a win for Twork who despite misleading heads on Cee-Lo changing his name to ‘Gnarls Barkley’ (that was really just the name of the band Cee-Lo joined), still delivered more than enough utter mayhem and stinging personals/name flips to beat back a pretty pedestrian turn by his opponent.

Verdict: Nu Jerzey Twork (W) 1-0

Favorite line: Nu Jerzey Twork – “You came to the Gates and left the Trap cold turkey, fuck I look like, Dre?, I ain’t showing you No Mercy!”