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Pass defeats Danny Myers

Recap: Well, that was an unexpected turn. After a spitfire and debatable 1st round, filled with a boatload of fiery lyrical darts and gritty punchlines from both Danny Myers and Pass, the so-called ‘Bar God’ goes into cold turkey mode and pretty much throws in the towel on the battle, cutting short both his 2nd and 3rd rounds due to just ‘battling last night’. Not a good look for a West-coast vet, much less a disappointment to crowd members who expressed their feelings on seeing Danny concede defeat. For Pass too–who shined throughout the battle with a gang of stinging personals, braggadocios heat and some nifty wordplay–beating Danny when he was unprepared and not at his best, must feel a little displeasing.

Verdict: Pass (W) 2-1

Favorite line: Pass – “I’m whupping your ass for block ritual, I’m Shock G this old rapper Underground, but he not Digital!”