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Geechi Gotti defeats Chilla Jones

Recap: In this competitive rooftop battle from URL/Smack, Geechi Gotti uses a consistent barrage of sublime and well-connected punchlines, belittling personals and flexing wordplay to edge the first two rounds over a pretty solid and name flip/personals-savvy, but less pointed, elongated and gun bar excessive Chilla Jones. Focused on the now contentious times that have led to so much civil unrest around the world, the normally 3rd round superior Geechi dedicated his final turn to current events instead of his opponent, leaving Chilla Jones with n easy chance to take the round, which he did with an aggressive and punch-heavy turn that worked with enough efficiency to avoid the 30.  

Verdict: Geechi Gotti (W) 2-1

Favorite line: Geechi Gotti – “Two .40’s, you get the ugly model…Grace Jones!”