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Swave Sevah defeats O-Red [Rematch]

Recap: In a rematch from their infamously one-sided URL battle almost a decade ago, Swave Sevah uses 2 minutes of scintillating wordplay, hardbody punchlines and well-themed name flips to beat an O-Red, who while coming a lot better prepared here against Swave than he did all those years back, still couldn’t contrive up enough heavy punches to match his opponent’s overall versatility and potency in this 1-rounder from RBE.

Verdict: Swave Sevah (W) 1-0

Favorite line: Swave Sevah – “Yo O, to obtain optimum omniscience is the overall goal of an Overlord, follow the manuscripts, man your ships, obliterate the opposition, offer the other one rowing oar’s or throw then overboard!”