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Awthentic defeats Gwitty

Recap: From WeGoHard, Long Island, NY versus Long Island, NY aka Gwitty vs. Awthentic stays close for a couple of rounds before a sublime 3rd by an already up 2-0 (thanks to a couple of steadier-hitting and more efficient turns in both of the openers) Awthentic, via a gang of intricate/boastful punches and that more than sizzled with its stream of killer wordplay/similes serves as the coup de grace over an opponent who while clearly prepared with a steady bag of crowd-pleasing euphemisms, gritty street tales and other performance-rich darts, was way too pedestrian overall to keep up.

Verdict: Awthentic (W) 3-0

Favorite line: Awthentic – “3rd round, it’s time to show the nigga he not tough, I’ll put a taser ro this Grape and turn Watts’ up!”