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Danny Myers defeats Arsonal

Recap: Things of note with this URL battle between Arsonal and Danny Myers. For starters, there’s no way Danny battling Drugz just a couple of weeks prior to this bout didn’t effect the overall quality of his pen game. I refuse to believe it. Secondly, are Arsonal and his right-hand man Ray Swagg really not fucking with each other anymore?!? That’s something I hadn’t even heard about on the gossip blogs. Lastly, while he still ended up losing the battle, Arsonal was really lyrical here. The disrespectful NJ vet only losing the deciding 3rd (got Danny taking the first and Ars edging the 2nd round) to Danny’s standard histrionics, wily punchlines and platform personals (tho that was a fire Jersey battle rapper scheme he delivered in round 2) because of an elongated turn in what was a pretty close battle throughout.

Verdict: Danny Myers (W) 2-1

Favorite line: Danny Myers – “I will drop an atomic bomb on your house, i support the nuclear family!”