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Jey The Nitewing defeats Nu Jerzey Twork

Recap: After an 8-month absence from battle rap due to a car accident, Nu Jerzey Twork’s comeback to the scene, here on a Smack Volume 7 card against Jey The Nitewing, was for a most part, a feelgood performance. Indeed, armed with a gang of mocking personals, witty bars and blistering punches/schemes that really took flight during a spitfire 2nd round, despite getting edged in round 1 to his more versatile and punch-heavy opponent, Twork’s return after two rounds was a remarkable one, not to mention a nod to hard work and perseverance after all he’s been through outside the ring of late. However, in the deciding 3rd round, Nitewing’s consistent penchant for dry wit, rudimentary rhymes that hit their mark, tight angles, nifty wordplay and virtuous personals would be too much for even Twork, who midway through his round, seemed to misplace his bars before succumbing to freestyles and then, unfortunately ‘Jersey’-ing his way to a loss.

Verdict: Jey The Nitewing (W) 2-1

Favorite line: Jey The Nitewing – “I’ll shoot you while you taking a shit…yeah, that’s funny when it’s thought about, it’s even when the same nigga’s is asking me to stall them out!”