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Rum Nitty defeats Don Marino

Recap: Assisted by a middle round choke from his opponent during round 2 (credit to Nitty for letting Don Marino make an attempt to complete his turn, which he still ended up cutting short), but scoring at will with a host of fiery punchlines, mocking personals, deft wordplay and flaring gun bars, Rum Nitty handily takes the first couple of rounds for the win in this Super Fight Matchup from URL. A fire, personal-lit 3rd round from Marino combined with a still solid Nitty choosing to go mostly indirect during the same turn allows the Mexican standout to avoid getting shutout.

Verdict: Rum Nitty (W) 2-1

Favorite line: Rum Nitty – “I’m a do you Shady fast…it’s a Rap [wrap] God!”