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Ryda defeats Drugz

Recap: OK, I’ll just come right out and say it, I miss The Goonies…now back to our regularly scheduled recap. Besides the ever-excitable Drugz talking through his opponent’s round at times, ex-Goonies, Ryda vs. Drugz for 1 round on Battle Rap Trap, is a dope one. The Gun Show putting away the firepower for the most part and getting busy (and witty) with a fierce angle on his opponent’s alleged drinking issues, sex life and street cred. On the other hand, a more versatile Ryda was consistently on go what with a stellar round of shrewd name flips/metaphors, hard-hitting personals, righteous schemes and piercing punchlines/wordplay. A close one with enough intensity and skeletons coming out the closet to likely lessen any chance of the Goonies ever getting back together, the more haymaker-lit Ryda gets the edge here.

Verdict: Ryda (W) 1-0

Favorite line: Ryda – “You got into the NBA of this shit and couldn’t perform well in the street?!, You had a one-on-one, with Moon, one the block, hands up, you was never supposed to be leaving your feet!”