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Rum Nitty defeats NXT

Recap: Much anticipated 3-rounder from West Coast Elites between Rum Nitty and his younger, lite-skin, performance doppelganger NXT lives up to the hype with both battlers sporting an aggressive variant of fierce punchlines, tough name flips, popping wordplay and head-ringing gun bars. Add to the mix a mutual respect for fire bars and some worthy personals, a competitive bout gets edged by the more condensed and more consistently punch-lit Nitty who takes both of the opening for the win before NXT serves up a nasty and seismic 3rd to avoid the shutout.

Verdict: Rum Nitty (W) 2-1

Favorite line: Run Nitty – “I give a fuck how you spell your name little nigga, you will not ease [E’s] your way outta this!