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Bigg K defeats X-Factor

Recap: Said it before, race angles against white battle rappers, for the most part, just come off as lazy penmanship. In other words, unless you’re a B. Dot or some other conscious battler (where it’s already part of your repertoire), unless you can kick some really unique or otherworldly shit that’s never been done before (or, be adept enough to incorporate race bars around one of your noted signature moves, which in X-Factor’s case would be his ‘Priorities’ lines and while he tried to do so, overall it just didn’t work), angling an entire round (as X-Factor does here in his 3rd against Bigg K) towards race just to score some points with the politically correct crowd and maybe get a win, almost never works. That said, even with a so-so 2nd round, it’s all Bigg K here. The Dawg striking once again with a gang of piercing punchlines/name flips, witty personals and stinging storytelling rhymes to beat an X-Factor who after a pretty solid round 1, just landed in a cesspool of nothing but filler and pedestrian punches thereafter.

Verdict: Bigg K (W) 3-0

Favorite line: Bigg K – “You work out?, big flex, I caught him at mid rep, pulled a p-90 X, it ain’t part of yoru gym set!”