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Ryda defeats Don Marino

Recap: Ryda versus Don Marino on URL’s Civil War for the most part is a goodie with the Miami rapper dropping his usual assortment of struggle bars and wily punches for more consistently hitting/spicier punchlines and a creative use of an angle in round 2 that was well lit with hitting personals. However, after getting handily beat in round 1, Ryda would step his punching acumen and via a barrage of witty darts, flexing/mocking personals, fire set-ups/storytelling bars and oft-Mexican themed, but either way still gripping bars that altogether edged both of the latter rounds to the Maryland battler and earned him the win.

Verdict: Ryda (W) 2-1

Favorite line: Ryda – “You got a great resume, low stock, your career’s been an odd one, you gotta be the only Mexican I know that can never get the job done!”