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Charlie Clips defeats Lu Castro

Recap: If Lu Castro really does want to be on MTV’s Wild ‘n Out, at the very leasst he’s certainly earned a try-out as his often electrifying performances in battle rap remain consistently fiery. And while Lu does need to make inroads with his pen game, when it comes to made-for-TV hijinks and capabilties, the guy certainly belongs somewhere. And perhaps Lu’s charisma and synergy are why a vet/TV star like Charlie Clips would request a battle with him and show him a thing or two on how to reach the next level. The Harlem great putting on a superb showing in this 3-round URL Any Given Sunday match with a gang of fire rebuttals, mocking personals, piercing punchlines, stifling lyrical bangers, jaunty schemes (esp. that round 1 ‘big dog’ special) and righteous darts that despite 3 mostly solid rounds from Big Lu, still garnered the aggressively consistent Clips a 30.

Verdict: Charlie Clips (W) 3-0

Favorite line: Charlie Clips – “Hey nigga, if this .4 hit ya, all dogs go to heaven Lu, don’t let the Lord get you, potato on a barrel, I’ll turn a .45 into a dog whistle!”