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Tay Roc defeats Swamp

Recap: Even with the win, not sure what was going on with Tay Roc in during much-hyped Summer Madness 12 battle versus Swamp. And no, we’re not talking about all the ‘raccoon’ mention’s. First (and a bit surprisingly) there was a highly personal and stellar round 1 from Roc, who while always on point regardless of who the opponent is, usually saves his best rounds for the latter (more on that later) rounds. Then there’s the sheer bewilderment of seeing Roc continuously get into it over all the raccoon talk with a Charlotte, North Carolina crowd that was clearly prideful of their Southern culture. A move we’ve witnessed from Roc before (like against Geechi Gotti in Philly after he took a shot at Cassidy), but one that made zero sense back then and made zero sense here, especially when you consider the fact that the raucous crowd cheered for many of Roc’s bars and wasn’t showing Swamp (who’s from nearby South Carolina) any bias seeing as he got booed too. Lastly, even with just enough haymakers to edge the deciding 3rd and gain the vic (call it a moral victory for Swamp, especially after he came back to take round 2 after getting overmatched by Roc in the opener) in an aggressive battle knee deep in fiery gun bars, highly-spirited personals, solid name flips and gritty punchlines from both sides, the idea that Roc seemingly took Swamp for granted going into this matchup and thought his 1st and 2nd rounds would be enough for a clear win is a move any vet should be wary of making.

Verdict: Tay Roc (W) 2-1

Favorite line: Tay Roc – “Talk to me nice or your jaw I’ma break, nothing’s impossible, God isn’t fake, I can’t take a lake in a swamp, boy but I can toss a Swamp in a lake!”