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Tay Roc defeats Real Deal

Recap: From Takeova Battle League, consistently scoring all 3 rounds with a bunch of piercing name flips, gritty punchlines, some fire wordplay and flexing gun bars, an AMG mode-friendly Tay Roc (who also took advantage of a personal-hitting, but overall on his B game Real Deal what with a haphazard round 3, a couple of reaches and less-than-potent-punch-arsenal) handily earns the 30 over the Pittsburgh vet.

Verdict: Tay Roc (W) 3-0

Favorite line: Tay Roc – “He starting to black out, his breath is getting weaker, got him calling the God but he was never a believer, HK this heckler is a sweeper, this will knock 50 percent off deal…it’s better when it’s cheaper!”