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Brixx defeats Street Hymns

Recap: When it comes to wordplay, Street Hymns can often overplay his hand and that leads to a lot of reaches, especially in this Bullpen Battle League matchup versus Brixx Belvy. Of course, that’s not a knock to the 4 Horseman’s overall ability seeing as he can rap and despite some reaches here and there, he did score with enough prolific darts to take round 2 here. But frankly speaking, if not for Belvy’s own lack of consistency (esp. after a spitfire, punch-heavy round 1) with the amount of reaching Street was doing throughout this battle, a vet like Belvy barely edging the 3rd for the win is pretty self-evident.

Verdict: Brixx (W) 2-1

Favorite line: Brixx Belvy – “Scripture for scripture, hey that ain’t what you wanna do, as a virgin you couldn’t understan what this was coming [cumming] too!”