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Serius Jones defeats Dizaster

Recap: Both are longtime vets in the battle rap game. Both are renowned for the ability to go off-the-dome with their bars and drop dizzing freestyles and rebuttals. And of course, both had infamous altercations with Math Hoffa….yeah that’s right, Serius Jones and Dizaster on the KOTD stage to see who can rap better! And the result? Kind of mixed, as while neither really brought their A-game, this was still a pretty solid battle what with some hot punchlines, freestyles, witty barbs and personals galore. Getting right to it, despite a nice, but a little predictable go-round from Serius (that allowed him to give his own drawn-out version of what happened between him and Diz after the Math/Diz fight), Diz edged the first round with a hilarious and performance-heavy turn that ‘of course’ centered around Hoffa, but still hit with wild scenarios and a couple of fly (“I’ll hit you harder than he hit you before, smack him right in his hairline, United Airlines, drag a chin on the floor!”) haymakers. A battle that was filled with tension throughout as Diz seemingly got flustered and frustrated with Serius’ well-known ‘interruptions’ as well as an apparent lack of respect he had for his opponent’s skills, a witty and heavy-on-the-personal-side turn in round 2 by Diz was edged by a couple of fire rebuttals along with some solid wordplay and fiery (“I’m getting more Arab money than you, if you not a believer then let’s tally bans [Taliban’s]!”) punches/personals by a more condensed Mr. Jones. A more turned up than usual Diz speed raps his way through the 3rd, mixing in some nice schemes and punches, but once again getting edged by a more consistent, punch-heavy and mocking with the personals turn by Serius.

Verdict: Serius Jones (W) 2-1

Favorite line: Serius Jones – “I told y’all nigga’s man, I just speak from life experience, you shouldn’t have been in here playing with your death, life is serious [Serius]!”